Friday, April 2, 2010

crazy days

Wow i had a crazy day yesterday. I can't even begin to talk about it. work was crazy, satan was for sure working on me i guess casue i was going to the temple last night. Sometime i have these and there like nightmares i don;t want to relive lol. Or like can i rewind the day adn start over. but at the end of thurs it was great and super spiritial and than by the next day it was back to crazy but that was my fault cause i made it that way i had a choice to choose different attitude! Oh well what is done is done now what can i learn from the days. I topk pics of my nieces and they are so cute my sister is here from AZ right now.


Crazy8 said...

Sorry you had crazy days, but I'm so glad you chose to go to the temple!! I love the picture of you in purple that Maci took. Very nice!

Big Sis said...

We all have crazy days and it is how we choose to handle them that matters. Looks like you chose very very well!