Sunday, October 5, 2014


This one is a big one. In the end of Augusted we made an announcement. Actually Faith made the announcement we shared w Friends, family and etc. This is how she announced it.

Yes we are expecting a baby. Due date is March 26(mind it's Faith Bday) 2015. But since our first OB appointment it's actually changed each time. So I will say the end of March. Faith doesn't really know what she is getting into w this sign, lol. Actually I am sure she will be a great big sister and love her sibling. Oh my yikes we took so many pics of Faith holding the sign. She loves the camera.

We are so excited. In November we will find out the sex. I am now currently 15 weeks and I am in second trimester now.

Bedroom transformation

First I have to say I am not good at blogging. It is my intention but it doesn't happen. In the beginning of August we decided to do some bedroom remodel/ change things around. Our AC vent was right at the head of the bed almost part way under the bed. Our room has always been about 10 degrees hotter or a little more than downstairs. We do have central air. I just couldn't live w out it. I get so hot(grandma always said I had good cirrulation). If I over heat I am not a happy camper. I just couldn't handle it and I said ok we need to see what we can do. So I thought about how things could be moved and changed. One afternoon we spent most of the time changing our room. Ha and w a toddler who got into everything as we worked on it. 

I didn't remember to take before pics but this is after. 

Believe me when I tell you it looks so much better. We have even more room also. 

You wouldn't believe how much cooler our room is w the bed not being just part way on it. We love it! 
We also got a chance to clean up a bunch of clutter and junk we had in our room, I don't know but some how that stuff multiplies. I was planning on moving the pictures around and as I see I haven't gotten to that yet. And also putting up some pics of Faith in our room.