After all our life and love together, Years of being faithful, being true, after all our struggles, our hoping and our dreaming, What will be the meaning when it's through?
Now we take our journey up together, Stepping through a door to something new! Now we will discover the meaning of forever, knowing the fullness is for two.
Neither the man without the woman, Neither the woman without the man, we will go on----- finding at last what all love songs reach for but never can grasp!
Life and love on earth is but a shadow of heavenly things our eyes cannot yet see. Still I know for certain beyond that final curtain for heaven to be heaven it must be---
Neither the man without the woman, Neither the woman without the man, we will go on----- finding at last what all love songs reach for but never can grasp!
This is the life of our father and mother--- Meant for their children, too. Their lives and their loves expanding forever, a covenant made everlastingly new!
Neither the man without the woman, Neither the woman without the man, we will go on----- finding at last what all love songs reach for but never can grasp!